Sport.MaP: Sport Management and Policies Research Group



Sport.MaP, Sport Management, Sport Policies


The Sport Management and Policies Research Group, called Sport.MaP, was created in 2017 at UNICAMP's School of Applied Sciences (FCA) in an environment that promotes teaching, research and extension through interdisciplinary knowledge. Sport.MaP's mission is to deepen, develop and disseminate teaching, research and extension in the different thematic areas related to Sports Management, and it has two lines of research: "Sports Management" and "Sports Policies". It has an average of 2 researchers, 8 postgraduate students and approximately 20 undergraduate students. Sport.MaP graduates have secured positions in important sports organizations in Brazil (including clubs, confederations, public bodies and stricto sensu postgraduate programmes in the academic sphere). The group's activities include research, extension and teaching, and are related to: Organization of events; Extension courses; Extension projects; Agreements; Guidance - undergraduate and postgraduate; Scientific production; and Awards and titles. As far as organized events are concerned, we would highlight the "Volta da FCA" street race event; under Agreements, partnerships are in place with the Brazilian Club Committee (CBC) and the Pan American Sports Organization (PANAM SPORTS) to train and qualify sports management professionals in clubs and to carry out research into sports management on the continent. Also noteworthy is Sport.MaP's participation in academic events and awards. In terms of projections for the future, the Sport.MaP study group aims to organize itself in the form of a Laboratory in order to form part of the FCA's Sports Science Research Centre (CEPECE), giving prominence and prominence to Sports Management at CEPECE. It is also intended to expand its activities in extension, with the proposal of a project that serves the community in walking and running practices and that integrates with the "Volta FCA: Desafio 2 horas" event, which will go into its third edition in 2024. Also the proposal to offer a Postgraduate Course in Sports Management in Clubs, under the agreement established with the Brazilian Club Committee (CBC). Considering that Sports Management in Brazil still lacks qualified human resources with the capacity to propose change in our sports organizations, and content that can support decision-making based on well-structured and available scientific knowledge, Sport.MaP proposes to continue its work, training people, producing knowledge and being a Laboratory of experiences in Sports Management.



How to Cite

Carlos Mazzei, L., & Mendes dos Santos Amaral, C. (2024). Sport.MaP: Sport Management and Policies Research Group. Sport Management and Business Magazine, 7(1). Retrieved from




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